Giving grows our hearts for God and others. As we give, we build a Home for others to encounter God. Be a part of what God is doing in and through our church.

“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.”

2 Corinthians 9:7

Types of funds

What happens when I give to Heart of God Church

Interested to find out more? Head to our Governance page or check out our Annual Reports.

Important note:

  • All contributions made to Heart of God Church are voluntary and non-refundable.
  • Contributions to Heart of God Church do not qualify for tax exemption.
  • Heart of God Church does not ask for giving and donation via emails, texts, phone calls, or private messaging platforms.
  • Any official correspondence from Heart of God Church regarding your giving is via [email protected]
+65 6332 6086
[email protected]
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Caution Against Scams

Heart of God Church ("HOGC") is a non-denominational church with no affiliation to any other person, church, organisation or group apart from those acknowledged on our official websites (listed below) and social media channels (listed on respective official websites).

HOGC, Pastor Tan Seow How ("Pastor How""), Pastor Cecilia Chan ("Pastor Lia"), and GenerationS do not request for personal information and/or donations via private messaging platforms. We urge you to exercise caution and report any suspicion of scams to the relevant authorities.

Please notify us here if you have reason to believe that any person, church, organisation or group is claiming affiliation with any of the following without our knowledge or consent: